IS The Future of Artificial Intelligence

In our world artificial intelligence quickly changes the world Artificial Intelligence is prevalent and is changing our life’s every aspect. For example, cellphones, play, work so the question came in our mind is Artificial Intelligence change the future so lets discuss how it can change what will be the impact on the future and our life’s.


first we understand what is Artificial Intelligence and that we will go on future aspect so it has the potential to do the task that a normally human intelligence is referred to the artificial intelligence it learns from patterns and natural language comprehending and from past experience and drawing if we talk about current state it is the already a part of our life lets talk about some example virtual assistants such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant is in our daily lives if we talk about recommendations system Netflix and Amazon suggest movies self-driving cars like tesla and healthcare systems.


Artificial Intelligence Future:

  • It is progressing in the field of machine learning. It is teaching robots and from data it enables advancement of future in machine learning algorithms, and it is adapting more accurately and fast way. It enhances personalization like online purchasing. And it also improves healthcare systems it helps in doctor diagnose and it is developing more fast way.
  • now in this era it is the common place device, and it is making more advance and smarter it effects on smart homes like gives more secure and efficient and it controls all our devices in home like smart light and smart watches its other device it is used to track our health.
  • Self-Driving Cars it the one of the best features to development of self-driving cars and it automates the vehicles will be more will reduce the accident it gives mobility for those who is unable to drive cars like old and disabled.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Education: It provides more specific lesson plans for every learner like skilled or weak learner. In globally students access high quality education with the help of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Artificial at Work it can transform work nature in automating the repetitive task with the help of it people can work on more intricate and imagination task. It enhances our productivity, and it can also free up work so with the help of we can concentrate on more complex works. it also gives us new jobs opportunities it creates new roles in data analysis sector and it also tech related services.
  • Moral Artificial intelligence in the ethical AI it developed the more applied ethical and considerations it impacts on fairness and bias.
  • Artificial intelligence and Originality it are help in creative part like music, writing and painting in addition to logical it enables tools it discovers new avenues and creative expression. It also creates content like marketing materials and pieces of news it improves or increase the process more effective way.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Medical, if we talk about healthcare sector it is becoming more effective and efficient it has some possible impact like it can predict analytics it is allowing us to smart measures. It also gives us robotics surgery it enables AI driven devices it helps surgeons and gives better accuracy.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Environment in the environment AI plays an important role like it solves environmental issues it has some impacts like enhance climate models with the help of AI can predict in better way and the effect of climate change it can also displacement of jobs like result of automation it is retraining employes for the new roles it also security susceptible to cyberattacks must come first.


In the summary I want to say that the Artificial Intelligence is developed day by and complicated future. Artificial is changing many aspects of our lives it is also developing education, healthcare and entertainment and transportation and it enhances the way of living and it solve many obstacles with the help  of AI and it is very importance creating day by because is makes our task simple and we can continues focus on the other works Artificial is very interesting and ethically use technology and people is dependent day by day on the Artificial intelligence.

9 important IT support services


In today’s modern era of business everyone depends on digital technology and run smoothly it is crucial to maintaining and enhancing the technology there are mainly dependent Nine IT services that will need of every company and make account on their take the advantages.

1.Support for Help Desks: In help desk it supports the clints and employes and contact with them and contact for technical problem in the help desk in this services people may like to finish their technical issue guarantees and take support of the software and hardware and no issue of network. There is some principal advantages like quick support for some common issues and it gives the best output and decreases the time of employee.
2.Safety of network: in network services it gives us production from online danger viruses, hackers and gives us security audits and spyware. It gives us some key advantages like it product our sensitive information threats from online it gives us comfort that is our network is safe and use it.
3.Data protection and Restoration: there are some data protection and restoration services are available like it protect our data and restore it from loss generated by cyberattacks and human and hardware. Some are the key benefits like product our data and continuity our business it product data loss from unexpected events of data loss.
4.Online Services: In cloud services it provides us adaptable and scalable software options it offers computer power and data storage services offered by cloud services in these services these services allow internet to access these resources you have to take better connectivity of the business and the key benefits of the it gives better prices it maintenance and hardware with the help of cloud based software it provides better solution with the help of it provides better solution and evolve the or meet with our business requirement.
5.Maintenance and support for software: with the help of maintenance and support services it gives our company apps more secure and functional thanks. It covers software updates and bugfixes troubleshooting. Some are the key benefits like it maintenance of software lowers the possibilities of software issue. And it guarantees you can meet business today.
6.Hardware upkeep and support: it gives us services like hardware upkeep and support such as maintenance and support it also helps our services like hardware in IT infrastructure, it includes like computers, networking and servers it keep covers repairs and upgrades some are the key benefits like it increase the longevity of your hardware and it have chances of low failure of hardware and it maintained the continuous IT infrastructure.
7.Handling of Network services for network: it keeps eye on the maintaining and improving our company network it also maintains switches, networking of hardware, switches some of the benefits like it is a quick dependable network and can fix network problem quickly.
8.Computer consulting: Some of the IT services consulting offer how to technology to meet our company or business consulting can help us with the IT strategy, or system implantation and upgrades of technology. Some of the key benefits are that it offers professionals guide for IT investments, and it finds areas where IT services can improve it and you can use it computer consulting more effectively.
9.Instruction in cybersecurity: it fives us services like train staff members that how to identify and handle danger on online it also includes the ways of safety instructions manage the passwords and communication phishing.


In summary I want to say that everyone has to need IT services to run the business smoothly these services like help desk it supports, training of cybersecurity and safety guidelines and it produce the dependability of the IT infrastructure. If are investing in these nine tools you can increase the productivity of your business and safety and make it more successful and you can also use these tools personally and enjoy these services effectively.

How to fix slow loading issues in Google Chrome


In this technical era Google chrome also plays an important role it is the most widely used browser Google chrome is known as for speed and dependability. Occasionally Google Chrome has come some trouble like page loading issue so that when you want to use the internet and that time loading issue has come that will be very frustrating. So here are some tips from those tips you can fix your google chrome issue of slow loading of page. So, let’s start:

1.Update Chrome on Google: you have to update your browser because sometimes older versions not much effective with the help of it you have to update your browser and give recent updates like, security, performance, it can be main reason your browser may be slow because of older versions. You can install Google Chrome update. You have to upper right corner in the menu and go to the help section and see updates available so their chrome will install new version of it restart your browser for complete your updates.

2.Deleted Browsing History: when you are using chrome there will be main reason your browser has catch files, cookies, history of browsing these build up slow speed of chrome you have optimize this data so with that Google chrome will can be run faster. Clear the browsing data. You can use tools. You can also check box pertaining catch pictures, files, cookies and other sites data select it and clear the data.

3.Turn off extra Extensions: there is one more way you have to sometimes there will be more extensions open that time performance can be slow down and page loading issue the time you can uninstall the extensions. There you can disable or remove them. You have to go to the upper right corner and go on more tools extensions and there you will find install extensions and remove them.

4.Close anyone Tabs: sometimes it can happen you have open too many tabs so that time you can face issue of loading because it takes lot of RAM you can close any tab that you are not using currently you have to think about tabs management.

5.Make Hardware Acceleration Active: you can also increase the performance of the chrome mat be enhance via acceleration of hardware.

6.Look for malware: sometimes you have to also look for malware because it can cause some security issues and severely slow down the speed of your browser. You have to find out in your computer and clean it.

7.Clear the chrome preferences: there is one more technique you can use this technique like you can reset the Chrome settings as a default it can solve many issues like solutions does not work.

8.Examine your internet Connection: sometimes you may also make internet connections because if your internet connection is unstable or unreliable internet if your connection is dependable so it will give you browser quickly. You have to examine your connection or restart you modem and router.

9.Control Background producers: it can also be happening the slow loading issue if you have consumption of resources that other program opens in your computer you can increase the performance with the help of managing background procedures.

10.Make Use of Chrome task manager: you can use the task manager with the help of you can easily find out and handle tabs because that uses lot of resources.

11.Modify the Experimental characteristics: sometimes you use experimental features it can be happen could lead to instability it is available in chrome you have to modify the experimental.

12.Reinstall Chrome: sometimes all methods are not working so you have to choose deep routed issues can sole with the help od reinstalling Chrome it can give you better start uninstall older version and download latest version of chrome.


In summary I want to say I have told you some of the steps with the help of that steps you can fix your slow loading issues slow loading issues may increase your frustration level because in this technical time everyone wants high speed and that if it happens your productivity of work may be slow with the help of these strategies you can boost your efficiency. You can increase the speed of chrome with the help of some procedures I have told you above such as updating your browser, cleaning browsing data, manage tabs and    delete unwanted plugins, you have to also maintaining tabs. So  you can easily browse you Google Chrome you have to maintain it on regular basic with the help of I hope you will not face the issue of slow loading and enjoy your browsing experience.

WordPress not loading: Reasons and how to fix it


Today I am going to discuss about the WordPress it is well liked website for the web designing because is easy to use but sometimes you can run problems into WordPress site your site will be unable to load correctly it can be you irritating especially if you are working on your important business or you are dependent on your website or you are doing another task. So today we are going to discuss about the problems within a simple word so let’s forward so I hope it will help you to solving issues related to word press.

Typical causes of WordPress:

1.Not Loading: sometimes the reason can be happened your website will be unable to load the reason is you server issues can be a reason or we can face unexpected reasons, or we can face another reason heavy traffic and maintenance server all issues you can face.

2.Issues with plugins or themes: Sometimes you can face issues like mismatched or coded badly themes and plugins. This can be stopping website to load your page this type of problem may increase when you are updating or installing a new plugin them.

3.Damaged Documents: sometimes you can face the issues of the damaged files it can cause the reason the loading issues malware or insufficient updates. Can be the reason.

4.Exhaustion of memory Limit: sometimes it required specific amount of memory it can also be main reason if your RAM is not more so website issue can come, or you have not allotted more ram

5.Problem with database connection: there will be the main reason your database is not connected properly with WordPress. Your website might face issue if database does not load correctly that time you can face problem.

6.DNS (Domain Name system): sometimes you can face issues the issues your domain name system has to gone correct server.

7.Problem with Browser Caching: sometimes you can face loading issues to catchup, or your browser may catch an older version of the loading issues.

How to resolve Not Loading WordPress:

1.verify your server status: You must contact your hosting company. You must see if any server issues you have to maintenance or happen server problem happening you have to also use resources of internet.

2.Turn off themes and plugins: you have to take some actions like themes and plugins you have to also open your site with a File Manager you have to login your hosting account with the help of it. You must open wp-content folder you have go into the directory where you have installed the WordPress to find out wp-content you have to change plugins name with new name, or your location will be similar it can turn off plugin every. You have to also examine the website you have to check websites loads you have to also return to default theme you have to also rename the folder if your removing plugins doesn’t work.

3.Repair Damaged: You have to also repair the damaged file you can download the new files with the help of word press, or you can also backup corrupted files. Get the WordPress download you have the recent version

4.Increase PHP memory limit: you have to also increase the memory limit, if possible, make changes wp-congig.php

5.Resolve Problems with the database: you must also resolve the problems with the database connectivity.

6.Fix DNS problem: you have to check correctly your domain is directed correctly hosting server will resolve the issue the DNS. Verify to the DNS settings you have to check the nameserver. Empty the DNA catch. Or delete the browse cache if your browser is facing issue remove the catch browser settings you can also refresh the webpage.


In the summary of WordPress, it gives us services drag and drop with the help of you can easily create your website so aur mainmotive in this article to solving the issues with the WordPress. I want to say if your WordPress is not working properly so you can following these steps what I have told you above with above with the help of these steps you can easily identify the issue and fix your problem such as I want to say you can some common issues those I have tell the steps like increase RAM limit or fix database connectivity , server issues , browser catchup, you can face some issues at the time of backup and you can run with the help of those steps and maintain your WordPress issues and health , website maintenance backups. So, these the steps will improve your workflow with the website on WordPress.

How to start a technical assistance business

Today I am going to discuss about the how you can start a technical assistance business so let’s start technical support business is an exciting journey it is for those who have skills to solve technical problems and interest to help others in this era technology is growing day by day individuals as well as business so we have to need technical problem solver so we are here to guide you how you can solve problem of IT field.


So, first question will come in your mind what it is, so this is a Tech related help company it helps or support in tech related issues in this field some works also involve such as they also resolve software and hardware related issues and maintain network, installing network. This also gives it related consulting services. They have goal to solve problem successfully and effectively resolve issues related to technical is the main goal.


How to start a Technical Assistance Company:

1.Determine your services: Fist you must think about what services you are providing before launching it the important step before you want you launch your business there are some technical support company services. Like computer repair it works like upgrading and adding new components and solving the problem related to hardware. It also includes software related issues like updating, installing and fix problems. It also includes network related issues like maintenance of network like installing wi-fi and routers and security for homes. We can say IT consulting. You also provide technical training on the usage of software.

2.Gain Necessary skills: You want to start a business in technical support you have to take knowledge of it form trustworthiness and compose your business. I am going to tell you how you can expert in these. First you have technical proficiency you must conform yourself to you have a strong knowledge of computer hardware. And software You have to also think about earning certifications like cisco certified network associate (CCNA), Microsoft certifications like this you can increase your expertise and may increase your value to the potential customers.

3Draft a plan for your Business: if you want to be successful in your technical support business you must well thought about your business plan so what you can include. You must prepare a well executive summary of your business plan, what will be the mission and objectives. You have to also analysis of your business and recognizing others business and understand the possible customers have to also describe the services what are the services you are providing plan it accordingly so customers can stay. Online marketing, networking you have to also plan it accordingly financial condition you have to plan it accordingly pricing and launch costs. a structure of your business: you have to choose the legal structure of your business you can choose a sole proprietorship is a easy step.

5.File for business registration: when you have decided your business you have to register your company with proper authorities how you can do like you have to choose your business name you have to choose a unique name and register contact to business registration office and register with your business name.

6.Prepare your workspace: you have to also prepare workspace you have to take small office space, or you can also start technical assistance business from also what you will need to follow you have to choose a specific location with desk and chair and enough lighting equipment software you have to also require account related software and customer relationship management (CRM).

7.Promote your company: you have you have to choose effective marketing strategies here are some method to advertise your technical support company You have to build a website well-polished you can highlight there your cost and contact details you can also promote one social media you have to interact with potential customers like you can using these like Facebook, Instagram, twitter , and LinkedIn. Local advertising you can also ads on newspapers or make handmade cards or pamphlets. extend networking.

8.Offer Top-Notch customers support: If you want to successful your business you have satisfy your customers some steps you can happy your customer like Be responsive you have to give Ans to your customers in a right way you have to act professionally. You have addressed issues effectively. You have to also take customers’ feedback.

9.Take care of your money: you have to effectively manage your finance you have to keep records tabs of your earnings software can simplify this process. Budget expenses.


In conclusion I will say if you want start technical support business you can start it is good step but you have to required a carefully planning of your business which the help of it you can easily launch your business if you have knowledge how to know the need the clint requirement you have better knowledge about how to solve issues related to customer support you have a better understanding of management and dedication and good communication I hope you can start your business and make it successful with these  steps and fundamentals start your own technical support business.

How to become a technical writer and make money

If you want to become a technical writer, you have a knowledge creating clear and understandable technical knowledge it give you satisfying job of the technical career writing technical career is wonderful for you if you are interested in writing in technical in this we will guide you how to became a technical writer and how to gain money.


with the help of technical writing publications for user manuals how you can guide, and online support materials technical material simply make it so variety of media can understand such as technicians and engineers and the aim users.

1.Step 1 becoming a technical writer: if want to become a technical writer you have to become a good knowledge of technical writing ability follow some tips for better understanding.

Read Often: you have to learn various styles of writing and publications you have to also read, and you can also add technical texts.

Write often: you have to write regularly; you can write blogs and articles also and whatever you are passionate about.

2.Acquire Technical Knowledge: I am giving one tip for technical writers they have to acquire technical knowledge. they have learnt about the technology such as you can watch movies enrolling online courses on that subject you are interested reading books technical you can also obtain technical experience you have to utilize tools, software and devices and obtain real word experience. You must gain industry level knowledge.

3.obtain Knowledge: you have to take knowledge having degree is it not important without it you also have many paths.

Bachelor’s degree: if you have degree in technical writing it will be beneficial for you English and communications or discipline in similar field. You can also take certificates of the few of the institutions provided you can take certifications courses.

4.create Portfolio: you have to create a portfolio that provides you clients so recruiter can reach out your profile you have to make it more attractive like you can uploaded some sample work like blogs, technical documents, essay or article. If you don’t have you have to produce it or compose it.

5.Aquire Experience: if you want to become successful technical writer you have to gain the experience from it some of the freelancing such as Fiver, Freelancer, and Upwork for gigs you can go on these platforms and apply for intern as technical writer and gain experience there.

6.Establish Professional: you have to establish yourself as professional and gain good connections you have to expand network in your workplace you have to participate in industry level conference and meetings.

7.apply for jobs: as you have traing certificates or sample of work and strong portfolio, you will have able to apply for technical writing jobs.

How Technical writer can earn money:

1.Full Time work: as some of the business employ or technical writer they provide stable paycheck and also gives benefits.

2.Contracting Out: you also have another option you can choose freelancing you can choose your assignment and talk about your price on price you want to take assignment.

 3.Contractual Employment: you can also work on contract basic you can take contract for weeks and months also and contract to full time employ they offer alternative offer for multiple organizations.

4.Income from passive sources: You can also write books and  eBooks like as amazon kindle you can also develop online courses like Udemy or teachable you can also do blogging you also have sense of organization.


In conclusion I will say you have to  develop good knowledge of writing and technical abilities and expand your network in tech field that will increase your professional skills these all are necessary if you want to became a technical writer these skills provides lots of way to earn money as a technical writer such as if want a contract job, freelancer or full time so these are rules above you can follow and became a technical writer and grow your career.

How to become a tech entrepreneur


now we will guide you how you can became a tech or  digital entrepreneur it can be exciting and rewarding now days we have to look as the technology is increasing or developing day by day the best opportunity for creative thinker and plenty of opportunity you can develop new services in this guide I will help you understanding the steps and became a successful entrepreneur in the field of tech if you I highly interest in tech field and interest in launch your company.

Create a powerful Concept:  If you want to create your own company first you must develop a strong mindset and business idea. Your idea will be related to solving the concept of market what are the requirements or problem facing by the people and determining what people facing problems on regular basis you have to think about it how we can solve those issues. And you have to also examine the market to see what products or services can fulfil the needs of the market. You must also verify the concept of potential people they are interested in your offering.

Get the fundamentals of Business technology: for the growth of your business, you must understand both business and technology it is necessary for becoming a successful entrepreneur in tech field Now these ideas or actions will help you. Like you must enroll in online courses and learn the fundamentals of coding and app development. You can also go through the books and articles and study and analysis technology, and business related to entrepreneurship related books you can also connect to the authorities and connect with them individuals and participate in their workshop and meetings and take tips and learn from them what experience they have.

Draft your plan for Business: if you have the best plan of business write it in a good format for you to start up successfully for in that plan what will be objective and plans and what will be the method to build your business successfully. You have also had to executive synopsis you have to give brief concept of business idea you can also include mission and goals. You can also analysis of market what people need to you have to proper sales and marketing strategies how to be pricing plan you have to plan each and everything its all be the part of it to make successful.

Create a Model: for a crucial step create a model of it because it is a first step to realizing concept of technology a model will be a early version of the business performance have to evaluate them. Create your own products and design it using Figma and sketch. You can create minimum and bible products. Design it when it does not reach the customers’ needs.

Safe finance: You must also secure funding for starting or launching a tech business. There are various methods to get the money for your startup. You must be independent or personal saving and another method is to angel capitalists and target investors and return into equity you can also use crowdsourcing.

Introduce your Product: when your product is ready and polished it’s time to secure funding some tips to launch you have made plans for marketing construct a website make it well website you can also create buzz for your product influencer employees.

Grow your company: you must focus on growing your business and giving improvement of your product. And continue to take feedback from the customers, look into the opportunity you have focus on increasing market share and form a robust team and look into extra funding.


In the conclusion to became digital entrepreneur what demanding and fulfilling you can make your tech startup successful with the help of good strategies what I have told you above and make it best concept and study about the best fundamentals and make your tech startup successful you also have new improved chances you can apply in your life.

How to search for people on Pinterest


Pinterest is a popular website on social media you can find and share ideas and save you can also share number ideas on any subjects it is an excellent resource you can browse number of objects like recipes, ideas about fashion and you can also give ideas about new project you can also find who have same interest in your pinterest it is very helpful features with the help of it you can easily connect with any person and and explore incredible things with the help of this guide you will be able to search people on Pinterest.

How to use Pinterest to get Started:

First you have to make sure you have a account and know the basic fundamentals of it how to use it and search individual with the help of Pinterest.

Make an Account: for creating account you have to go on pinterest and then you have to create new account if you don’t have you can also link your google or facebook account or with the help of email you can also increase your account.

Create profile: after that you have to fill information in to profile for completion like adding photos and information with the help of people can recognize  with the help of it and it will increase your popularity of your profile.

Look through Pinterest: You have to go through the pinterest and give your time to acquire how it works you can also look pins and boards.

How to use Pinterest to find people:

Making use of Search Bar: you can use search bar for searching people or someone it is top on the webpage it is the simple way.

Launch Pinterest: After go into the the pinterest homepage and login into your account that you have created after login and type username or name into the search bar and when you type the hit enter some result will display. You can navigate through the list of your profiles that matches to your search bar if you find a person you are looking for you can click on that profile or username.

Examine Your contract List: with the help of contact list you can look up separately if you have linked your account to your email or other social media accounts. You have to navigate setting .

Making use of mobile App: With the help of mobile app you can simple search on the pinterest mobile app if don’t have launch it and open it sign it with your account and type user name of the person you want to search. You can also filter it.

The suggest user list: It visualize your search history and suggest you based on your interests and the whatever you are doing their what you search it also recommends people for follow bases on your interest you can follow the users with the help of follow buttons and examine suggestions.

Looking Through Pins and Boards: it is best to use sometimes it gives good persons individuals pins you are look up in your search bar with the you will find unique search result. Its helps you connect with you like minded people and connect with and enjoy.


In conclusion it will increase your experience with the help of these steps you can easily create your better experience and interact better with the pinterest it gives us simple process to find new people and connect with them you can simply go to search bar and search it it also suggest based on your interest search also work to connect with contacts list and search individually it is very useful technique to find or search people or pinterest. With the help of these techniques you can increase your interest and fun you can use the feature of pinning. And enjoy it.


9 Features of iPhone X you should definitely check out


we are going to tell you about iPhone X what are advance features it have when Apple launch in iphone x in 2017, it provide best degined and advancement in technological advancement for the series of iphone with the help of advance features and creative layout and modern technology. It have increasing craze of iphone day by day in tech fans so I am going to tell you about the nine features one by one if you have so explore it.

  1. The super Retina Screen: iphone x gives us super retina Display it is the best feature you have to notice once in the phone 5.8 inch display OLED screen it gives us high brightness percentage and it fives us beautiful colour and deep looks more accurate and real it will be beneficial for games and apps , images and videos you can also add extra screen with make your phone larger. It have brightness and contrast.
  2. Face Recogination: in iphone it gives us innovative features like face recognition system with the help of it you can easly verifies you apps and payments securely with the help of it you can easily unlock your phone with this innovative technology with over 30,000 dots that are invisible for in depth mapping your face with camera at a time of face recogination it gives high accuracy and security. Face id can also work in low lights and adjust your appearance time to time.
  3. Memoji and Animoji: in this feature it gives you advance and enjoyable feature at the time of message with the help of Animoji it records your facial expressions with the help of in depth of camera system it can also animate in 3D emoji it gives us communication and happy edge. It makes individual avatars.
  4. Two lens camera configurations: it gives us twelve mega pixel wide angle lens and telephoto twelve mega pixel and these makes poweful dual lens it performs better in low light and optical zoom it gives us portrait mode also with the help of it images appear professionally. 4k recording.
  5. The A11 Bionic Chip: with the help to it is powerful chip it has six cores of CPU balance power and efficiency it gives us multitasking and for gaming and increase efficiency and speed
  6. Wireless Power Supply: it also gives us wireless supply wireless charger is now simple it gives us phone without charging No cable required it suitable for Qi charger standard. It is easy to use
  7. Argument Reality: it also experience argument reality it can manage complex virtual reality it gives advance camera and processor virtual reality games materials for intrections it is clean and engaging.
  8. Extended Battery life: it gives us better display and powerful functions but it also gives us one better or amazing battery life its A11 Bionic chip uses less energy it is depended uses all day and improve your productivity.
  9. Resistance to Dust and water: it is certification IP67 dust resistance and water resistance it indicates it gives protection from dust and spills it also increase durability.


In the conclusion I want to say is differ from predecessors its gives best features you have to go once and explore it like face recognition and  and water resistance better life line of battery and better security with help of these features you can explore and increase your experience complete your task easily it is best feature like gives wireless standard Qi charging and also gives us A11 Bionic chip that increase performance and seep it also take less energy and it also gives us double camera and 4k recording increase performance.

7 tricks to work more efficiently with Google Docs


we are going to talk about google docs is a cloud based powerful application it gives us services like document creation and teamwork and sharing it is for professional and student or if any one interested in writing thoughts or novels you can use in a beautiful way with the help of Google Docs. It will give you a better outcome. I am going to give you seven ways or tips to make your working hours with google docs more effective.

Ways to improve Use Google Docs:

1.Use shortcuts on your keyboard: Google docs provide you lot you lot of shortcuts to save your time and utilize your time and efforts you don’t have to go menu you can shortly go with these shortcuts those I am going to tell you.


Undo: Cmd + V (mac) or ctrl + c (windows)

Copy: Cmd  + C (Mac) or Ctrl + C (Windows)

Cut: Cmd + X (Mac) or Ctrl + X (Windows)

Paste: Cmd + X(Mac) or Ctrl + V (Windows)

Retry: Ctrl + Y (Mac) or Cmd + Y (Windows)

Bold: Windows: Ctrl + B; Mac: Cmd + B

Use Ctrl + I (Windows): Ctrl + B; (Mac) make it italicize.

Underline: Cmd + U(Mac) or Ctrl + U (Windows)

With the help of these shortcuts, you can easily edit your document and work greatly and more quickly.

  1. Work Together Quickly: it is the best feature real-time communication it gives the ability to work together with multiple users on a single document at a time it is better for teamwork and also for teamwork
  2. Distribute the Document: In Google docs with the help of it you can share docs with the email address if you want to share you can also assign rights what permission you want to give like edit, view, or comment on your document. You can also invite those who work with you and make changes to and give suggestions.
  1. Apply voice typing: With the help of Google docs, you can employ features like voice typing you can with the help of these method you can quickly create docs with the help of voice typing you have to open the document simple choose voice typing and active microphone with the help of it you can easily create the document more quickly and simple way.
  2. Use Template: with Google Docs it gives us various types of templates like proposal of project, letters, resumes and reports there are the available into the google docs. With the help of it you can easily save your time with the help of these templates. Simply you can access the templates on google docs on your requirements you can also change the template with your requirement or edit it you can save time that you spent on formatting and design.
  3. Include Extras Numerous add-ons: it is a mini apps that work with google docs that’s gives us additional features you can launch add-ons you can browse and install.
  4. Benefits from Revision History: with the help of google docs you can easily store previous documents and for revision purpose history it is very helpful for you with help of revision history you can easily handle multiple versions of document.
  5. Use Explore to conduct rapid research: with the help of rapid research, you can easily read documents and without leaving any pages you may also locate photos and execute information into your paper you can also launch exploration tool. You can explore with the help of tools you can also add search terms into your google docs.

Extra Advice:

You can use contents of table for longer content it will be automatically created by google docs with the help of headings. You can also access offline mode for that you have to enable.


In the conclusion we want to tell you it is very helpful tool it is full of features it is increase the work with team and you can also increase efficiency with the help of this Google docs it good for history revision you have shortcuts to works with your documents shortly use shortcuts and enjoy it also gives voice typing better feature you have to use it and enjoy the Google docs.