WordPress not loading: Reasons and how to fix it


Today I am going to discuss about the WordPress it is well liked website for the web designing because is easy to use but sometimes you can run problems into WordPress site your site will be unable to load correctly it can be you irritating especially if you are working on your important business or you are dependent on your website or you are doing another task. So today we are going to discuss about the problems within a simple word so let’s forward so I hope it will help you to solving issues related to word press.

Typical causes of WordPress:

1.Not Loading: sometimes the reason can be happened your website will be unable to load the reason is you server issues can be a reason or we can face unexpected reasons, or we can face another reason heavy traffic and maintenance server all issues you can face.

2.Issues with plugins or themes: Sometimes you can face issues like mismatched or coded badly themes and plugins. This can be stopping website to load your page this type of problem may increase when you are updating or installing a new plugin them.

3.Damaged Documents: sometimes you can face the issues of the damaged files it can cause the reason the loading issues malware or insufficient updates. Can be the reason.

4.Exhaustion of memory Limit: sometimes it required specific amount of memory it can also be main reason if your RAM is not more so website issue can come, or you have not allotted more ram

5.Problem with database connection: there will be the main reason your database is not connected properly with WordPress. Your website might face issue if database does not load correctly that time you can face problem.

6.DNS (Domain Name system): sometimes you can face issues the issues your domain name system has to gone correct server.

7.Problem with Browser Caching: sometimes you can face loading issues to catchup, or your browser may catch an older version of the loading issues.

How to resolve Not Loading WordPress:

1.verify your server status: You must contact your hosting company. You must see if any server issues you have to maintenance or happen server problem happening you have to also use resources of internet.

2.Turn off themes and plugins: you have to take some actions like themes and plugins you have to also open your site with a File Manager you have to login your hosting account with the help of it. You must open wp-content folder you have go into the directory where you have installed the WordPress to find out wp-content you have to change plugins name with new name, or your location will be similar it can turn off plugin every. You have to also examine the website you have to check websites loads you have to also return to default theme you have to also rename the folder if your removing plugins doesn’t work.

3.Repair Damaged: You have to also repair the damaged file you can download the new files with the help of word press, or you can also backup corrupted files. Get the WordPress download you have the recent version

4.Increase PHP memory limit: you have to also increase the memory limit, if possible, make changes wp-congig.php

5.Resolve Problems with the database: you must also resolve the problems with the database connectivity.

6.Fix DNS problem: you have to check correctly your domain is directed correctly hosting server will resolve the issue the DNS. Verify to the DNS settings you have to check the nameserver. Empty the DNA catch. Or delete the browse cache if your browser is facing issue remove the catch browser settings you can also refresh the webpage.


In the summary of WordPress, it gives us services drag and drop with the help of you can easily create your website so aur mainmotive in this article to solving the issues with the WordPress. I want to say if your WordPress is not working properly so you can following these steps what I have told you above with above with the help of these steps you can easily identify the issue and fix your problem such as I want to say you can some common issues those I have tell the steps like increase RAM limit or fix database connectivity , server issues , browser catchup, you can face some issues at the time of backup and you can run with the help of those steps and maintain your WordPress issues and health , website maintenance backups. So, these the steps will improve your workflow with the website on WordPress.

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